Please check my ORCiD profile and email me if you would like a copy of any of the following publications
SCI Research Papers
Wambulwa MC, Zhu G-F, Luo Y-H, Wu Z-W, Provan J, Cadotte MW, Jump AS, Wachira FN, Gao L-G, Yi T-S, Cai J, Wang H, Li D-Z, Liu J (In press) Incorporating genetic diversity to optimize the plant conservation network in the Third Pole Global Change Biology
Senf C, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Pugh T, Jump AS and other authors of the International Tree Mortality Network (in press) Towards a global understanding of tree mortality New Phytologist https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20407
Klesse S, Peters RL, Alfaro-Sánchez R, Badeau V, Baittinger C, Battipaglia G, Bert D, Biondi F, Bosela M, Budeanu M, Čada V, Camarero JJ, Cavin L, Claessens H, Cretan A, Čufar C, de Luis M, Dorado-Liñán I, Dulamsuren C, Espelta J, Garamszegi B, Grabner M, Gricar J, Hacket-Pain A, Kehlet Hansen J, Hartl C, Hevia A, Hobi M, Janda P, Jump AS, Kašpar J, Kazimirović M, Keren S, Kreyling J, Land A, Latte N, Lebourgeois F, Leuschner C, Lévesque M, Longares L, Martinez del Castillo E, Menzel A, Merela M, Mikoláš M, Motta R, Muffler L, Neycken A, Nola P, Panayotov M, Petritan A, Petritan I, Popa I, Prislan P, Levanič T, Roibu C, Rubio-Cuadrado A, Sánchez-Salguero R, Šamonil P, Stajiƒá B, Svoboda M, Tognetti R, Toromani E, Trotsiuk V, van der Maaten E, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, Vannoppen A, Vašíčková I, von Arx G, Wilmking M, Weigel R, Zlatanov T, Zang C, Buras A (in press) No future growth enhancement expected at the northern edge for European beech due to continued water limitation Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20407
Rhoades J, Vilà-Cabrera A, Ruiz-Benito P, Bullock J, Jump AS, Chapman D (2024) Historic land use modifies impacts of climate and isolation in rear edge European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations Global Change Biology 30, e17563, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17563
Leifsson C, Buras A, Klesse S, Baittinger C, Bat-Enerel B, Battipaglia G, Biondi F, Stajić B, Budeanu M, Čada V, Cavin L, Claessens H, Čufar K, de Luis M, Dorado-Liñán I, Dulamsuren C, Garamszegi B, Grabner M, Hacket-Pain A, Hansen JK, Hartl C, Huang W, Janda P, Jump AS, Kazimirović M, Knutzen F, Kreyling J, Land A, Latte N, Lebourgeois F, Leuschner C, Longares LA, Martinez del Castillo E, Menzel A, Motta R, Muffler-Weigel L, Nola P, Panayatov M, Petritan AM, Petritan IC, Popa I, Roibu C-C, Rubio-Cuadrado A, Rydval M, Scharnweber T, Camarero JJ, Svoboda M, Toromani E, Trotsiuk V, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, van der Maaten E, Weigel R, Wilmking M, Zlatanov T, Rammig A, Zang CS (2024) Identifying drivers of non-stationary climate-growth relationships of European beech Science of the Total Environment 937, 173321 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173321
González-Díaz P, Cavers S, Matías L, Ennos RA, Cottrell JE, Jump AS (2024) Neighbouring Scots pine populations from contrasting climatic regions show substantial variability but consistent response to warming Environmental and Experimental Botany 218, 105603 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105603
Gallou A, Jump AS, Lynn JS, Field R, Irl SDH, Steinbauer MJ, Beierkuhnlein C, Chen J-C, Chou C-H, Hemp A, Kidane Y, König C, Kreft H, Naqinezhad A, Nowak A, Nuppenau J-N, Trigas P, Price JP, Roland CA, Schweiger AH, Weigelt P, Flantua SGA, Grytnes J-A (2023) Diurnal temperature range as a key predictor of plants’ elevation ranges globally. Nature Communications 14, 7890 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43477-8
Tiwari A, Adhikari A, Fan Z-X, Li S-F, Jump AS, Zhou Z-K (2023) From Himalaya to Hengduan: Alpine Treeline Dynamics Under Climate Change. Regional Environmental Change 23, 157 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-023-02153-9
Martínez-Vilalta J, García-Valdés R. Jump AS, Vilà-Cabrera A, Mencuccini M (2023) Accounting for trait variability and coordination in predictions of drought-induced range shifts in woody plants. New Phytologist 240, 23-40 https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19138
Vilà-Cabrera A, Astigarraga J, Jump AS, Zavala MA, Seijo F, Sperlich D, Ruiz-Benito P (2023) Anthropogenic land-use legacies underpin climate change-related risks to forests. Trends in Plant Science 28, 1132-1143 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2023.04.014
Pulido F, Castagneyrol B, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Cáceres Y, Pardo A, Moracho E, Kollmann J, Valladares F, Ehrlén J, Jump A, Svenning JC, Hampe A, (2023) Widespread latitudinal asymmetry in the performance of marginal populations: A meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, 842-854 https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13665
Thomas PW, Jump AS (2023) Edible fungi crops through mycoforestry, potential for carbon negative food production and mitigation of food and forestry conflicts. PNAS 120 (12) e2220079120 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2220079120
Nikinmaa L, Lindner M, Cantarello E, Gardiner B, Jacobsen JB, Jump AS, Parra C, Plieninger T, Schuck A, Seidl R, Timberlake T, Waring KM, Winkel G, Muys B (2023) A balancing act: principles, criteria and indicator framework to operationalize social-ecological resilience of forests. Journal of Environmental Management 331, 117039 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117039
Ovenden T, Perks MP, Forrester DI, Mencuccini M, Rhoades J, Thompson DL, Stokes VJ, Jump AS (2022) Intimate mixtures of Scots pine and Sitka spruce do not increase resilience to spring drought. Forest Ecology and Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120448
Watts SH, Mardon DK, Mercer C, Watson D, Cole H, Shaw RF, Jump AS (2022) Riding the elevator to extinction: Disjunct arctic-alpine plants of open habitats decline as their more competitive neighbours expand. Biological Conservation https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109620
Watts SH, Jump AS (2022) The benefits of mountain woodland restoration. Restoration Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13701
Dorado-Liñán I, …Jump AS, …and 13 co-authors (2022) Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth. Nature Communications 13 2015 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29615-8
Martinez del Castillo E, …Jump AS, …and 46 co-authors (2022) Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests. Communications Biology 5 163 https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03107-3
O’Sullivan K, Vilà-Cabrera A, Chen J-C, Greenwood S, Chang C-H, Jump AS (2022) High intraspecific trait variation results in a resource allocation spectrum of a subtropical pine across an elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography 49 668-681
West E, Morley PJ, Jump AS, Donoghue DNM (2022) Satellite data tracks spatial and temporal declines in European beech forest canopy characteristics associated with intense drought events in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, Central Germany. Plant Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13391
Lembrechts JJ, …Jump AS, … and 404 co-authors (2022) Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28 3110-3144
Ovenden T, Perks M, Clarke T, Mencuccini M, Jump AS (2022) Threshold response to extreme drought shifts inter-tree growth dominance in Pinus sylvestris. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4 737342 doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.737342
dos Santos JRM, de Almeida Vieira F, Fajardo CG, Brandão MM, Silva RAR, Jump AS (2022) Overexploitation and anthropogenic disturbances threaten the genetic diversity of an economically important neotropical palm. Biodiversity and Conservation 30 2395-2413
Ovenden T, Perks M, Clarke T, Mencuccini M, Jump AS (2022) Life after recovery: increased resolution of forest resilience assessment sheds new light on post-drought compensatory growth and recovery dynamics. Journal of Ecology 109 3157-3170
Serra-Maluquer X, Granda E, Camarero JJ, Vilà-Cabrera A, Jump AS, Sanchez-Salguero R, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Imbert JB, Gazol A (2021) Impacts of recurrent dry and wet years alter long-term tree growth trajectories. Journal of Ecology 109 1561-1574
Fouédjeu L, Saulnier M, Lejay M, Dušátko M, Labbas V, Jump AS, Burri S, Buscaino S, Py-Saragaglia V (2021) High resolution reconstruction of modern charcoal production kilns: an integrated approach combining dendrochronology, micromorphology and anthracology in the French Pyrenees. Quaternary International 593-594 306-319
O’Sullivan K, Ruiz-Benito P, Chen J-C, Jump AS (2021) Onward but not always upward: individualistic elevational shifts of tree species in sub-tropical montane forests. Ecography 44 112-123
Morley PJ, Jump AS, West M, Donoghue DNM (2020) Spectral response of chlorophyll content during leaf senescence in European beech trees Environmental Research Communications 2 071002
Morley PJ, Donoghue DNM, Chen J-C, Jump AS (2020) Montane forest expansion at high elevations drives rapid reduction in non-forest area despite no change in mean forest elevation. Journal of Biogeography 47 2405-2416
Lembrechts JJ, …Jump AS, … and 170 co-authors (2020) SoilTemp: a global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology 26 6616-6629
Nikinmaa L, Lindner M, Cantarello E, Jump AS, Seidl R, Winkel G, Muys B (2020) Reviewing the use of resilience concepts in forest sciences. Current Forestry Reports doi: 10.1007/s40725-020-00110-x
Linares JC, Cobo-Simon I, Méndez-Cea B, Jump AS, Seco Gordillo JI, Gallego Rodríguez FJ (2020) Understanding genetic diversity of relict forests. Linking long-term isolation legacies and current habitat fragmentation in Abies pinsapo Boiss. Forest Ecology and Management 461, 117947
Zang CS, Buras A, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Jump AS, Rigling A, Rammig A (2020) Standardised drought indices in ecological research: why one size does not fit all. Global Change Biology 26, 322-324
Ruiz-Benito P, Vacchiano G, Lines ER, Reyer CPO, Ratcliffe S, Morin X, Hartig F, Mäkelä A, Yousefpour R, Chaves JE, Palacios-Orueta A, Benito-Garzón M, Morales-Molino C, Camarero JJ, Jump AS, Kattge J, Lehtonen A, Ibrom A, Owen HJF, Zavala MA (2020) Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests. Ecological Modelling 416, 108870
Sjölund MJ, González-Díaz P, Moreno-Villena JJ, Jump AS (2019) Gene flow at the leading range edge – the long-term consequences of isolation in European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L. Kuhn). Journal of Biogeography, 46 2787-2799
Alfaro-Sánchez R, Jump AS, Pino J, Díez-Nogales O, Espelta JM (2019) Land use legacies drive higher growth, lower wood density and enhanced climatic sensitivity in recently established forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 276-277, 107630
Vilà-Cabrera A, Jump AS (2019) Greater growth stability of trees in marginal habitats suggests a patchy pattern of population loss and retention in response to increased drought at the rear edge. Ecology Letters, 22, 1439-1448
Vilà-Cabrera A, Premoli AC, Jump AS (2019) Refining predictions of population decline at species’ rear edges. Global Change Biology, 25, 1549-1560
Morley PJ, Donoghue DNM, Chen J-C, Jump AS (2019) Quantifying structural diversity to better estimate change at mountain forest margins. Remote Sensing of Environment, 223, 291-306
González-Díaz P, Cavers S, Iason G, Booth A, Russell J, Jump AS (2018) Weak isolation by distance and geographic diversity gradients persist in Scottish relict pine forest, linked to flowering asynchrony and effective gene flow. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11, 449-458
Morley PJ, Donoghue DNM, Chen J-C, Jump AS (2018) Integrating remote sensing and demography for more efficient and effective assessment of changing mountain forest distribution. Ecological Informatics, 43, 106-115
Sjölund MJ, González-Díaz P, Moreno-Villena JJ, Jump AS (2017) Understanding the legacy of widespread population translocations on the post-glacial genetic structure of the European beech, Fagus sylvatica L. Journal of Biogeography, 44, 2475-2487
Ruiz-Benito P, Ratcliffe S, Zavala MA, Martinez-Vilalta J, Vila-Cabrera A, Lloret F, Madrigal-González J, Wirth C, Greenwood S, Kändler G, Lehtonen A, Kattge J, Dahlgren J, Jump AS (2017) Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality. Global Change Biology, 23, 4162-4176
Jump AS, Ruiz-Benito P, Greenwood S, Allen CD, Kitzberger T, Fensham R, Martínez-Vilalta J, Lloret F (2017) Structural overshoot of tree growth with climate variability and the global spectrum of drought-induced forest dieback. Global Change Biology, 23, 3742-3757
Matías L, Linares JC, Sánchez-Miranda A, Jump AS (2017) Contrasting growth forecasts across the geographical range of Scots pine due to altitudinal and latitudinal differences in climatic sensitivity. Global Change Biology, 23, 4106-4116
Tiwari A, Ze-Xin F, Jump AS, Zhe-Kun Z (2017) Warming induced growth decline of Himalayan birch at its lower range edge in a semi-arid region of Trans-Himalaya, central Nepal. Plant Ecology, 218, 621-633
Greenwood S, Ruiz-Benito P, Martínez-Vilalta J, Lloret F, Kitzberger T, Allen CD, Fensham R, Laughlin DC, Kattge J, Bönisch G, Kraft NJB, Jump AS (2017) Tree mortality across biomes is promoted by drought intensity, lower wood density and higher specific leaf area. Ecology Letters, 20, 539-553
Matías L, Castro J, Villar-Salvador P, Quero JL, Jump AS (2017) Differential impact of hotter drought on seedling performance of five ecologically distinct pine species. Plant Ecology, 208, 201-212
Bush ER, Abernethy KA, Jeffery K, Tutin C, White L, Dimoto, E, Dikangadissi JT, Jump AS, Bunnefeld N (2017) Fourier analysis to detect phenological cycles using long-term tropical field data and simulations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530-540 View methods blog
Ruiz-Benito P, Ratcliffe S, Jump AS, Gómez-Aparicio L, Madrigal-González J, Wirth C, Kändler G, Lehtonen A, Dahlgren J, Kattge J, Zavala MA (2017) Functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation across European forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, 128-141
González-Díaz P. Jump AS. Perry A. Wachowiak W. Lapshina E. Cavers S. (2017) Ecology and management history drive spatial genetic structure in Scots pine Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 68-76
Tiwari A, Ze-Xin F, Jump AS, Shu-Feng L, Zhe-Kun Z (2017) Gradual expansion of moisture sensitive Abies spectabilis forest in the Trans-Himalayan zone of central Nepal associated with climate change. Dendrochronologia, 41, 34-43
Cavin L, Jump AS (2017) Highest drought sensitivity and lowest resistance to growth suppression is found in the range core of the tree Fagus sylvatica L. not the equatorial range edge. Global Change Biology, 23, 362-379 view Climate News Network article view Inside Climate News article (Also reported in The Times, Mirror online, the Herald, BBC Radio Devon (22/06/16 7:40) amongst others. Featured on BBC1, Countryfile 26/06/16).
Matías L, González-Díaz P, Quero JL, Camarero JJ, Lloret F, Jump AS (2016) Role of geographical provenance in the response of silver fir seedlings to experimental warming and drought. Tree Physiology, 36, 1236-1246 reported in Spanish media including Discovery Foundation, Europa Press Andalucía and Science News Agency
Hacket-Pain AJ, Cavin L, Friend AD, Jump AS (2016) Consistent limitation of growth by high temperature and low precipitation from range core to southern edge of European Beech indicates widespread vulnerability to changing climate. European Journal of Forest Research, 135, 897-909
Greenwood S, Chen J-C, Chen C-T, Jump AS (2016) Community change and species richness reductions in rapidly advancing treelines. Journal of Biogeography, 43, 2274-2284,
Steinbauer MJ, Field R, Grytnes J-A, Trigas P, Ah-Peng C, Attorre F, Birks JB, Borges PAV, Cardoso P, Chou CH, De Sanctis M, de Sequeira MM, Duarte MC, Elias RB, Fernández-Palacios JM, Gabrie R, Gereau RE, Gillespie RG, Greimler J, Harter DEV, Huang T-J, Ir SDH, Jeanmonod D, Jentsch A, Jump AS, Kueffer C, Nogué S, Otto R, Price J, Romeiras MM, Strasberg D, Stuessy T, Svenning JC, Vetaas OR, Beierkuhnlein C (2016) Topography-driven isolation, speciation and a global increase of endemism with elevation. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 1097–1107
Jones I, Bunnefeld N, Jump AS, Peres CA, Dent DH, (2016) Extinction debt on reservoir land-bridge islands. Biological Conservation, 199, 75-83
Greenwood S, Chen J-C, Chen C-T, Jump AS (2015) Temperature and sheltering determine patterns of seedling establishment in an advancing subtropical treeline. Journal of Vegetation, Science 26, 711-721
Rouger R, Jump AS (2015) Fine-scale spatial genetic structure across a strong environmental gradient in the saltmarsh plant Puccinellia maritima. Evolutionary Ecology, 29, 609-623
Winkel G, Blondet M, Borrass L, Frei T, Geitzenauer M, Gruppe A, Jump A, de Koning J, Sotirov M, Weiss G, Winter S, Turnhout E (2015) The implementation of Natura 2000 in forests: a trans- and interdisciplinary assessment of challenges and choices. Environmental Science & Policy 52, 23-32
Ruiz-Benito P, Madrigal-González J, Young S, Mercatoris P, Cavin L, Huang T-J, Chen J-C, Jump AS (2015) Climatic stress during stand development alters the sign and magnitude of age-related growth responses in a subtropical mountain pine. PLOS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126581
Matías L, Jump AS (2015). Asymmetric changes of growth and reproductive investment herald altitudinal and latitudinal range shifts of two woody species. Global Change Biology, 21, 882-896
Sjölund J, Jump AS (2015). Coppice management of forests impacts spatial genetic structure but not genetic diversity in European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Forest Ecology and Management, 336, 65-71
Winkel G, Jump A (2014). Perspectives on Forest Conservation – building evidence at the frontier between policy and conservation science. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 3359-3372,
de Koning J, Turnhout E, Winkel G, Blondet M, Borras L, Ferranti F, Geitzenhauer M, Sotirov M, Jump AS (2014). Managing climate change in conservation practice: an exploration of the science management interface in Beech forest management. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 3657-3671,
Greenwood S, Jump AS (2014). Consequences of treeline shifts for the diversity and function of high altitude ecosystems. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 46, 829-840
Greenwood S, Chen J-C, Chen C-T, Jump AS (2014). Strong topographic sheltering effects lead to spatially complex treeline expansion and increased forest density in a subtropical mountain region. Global Change Biology, 20, 3756-3766
Jump AS, Carr M, Ahrends A, Marchant R (2014). Genetic divergence during long-term isolation in highly diverse populations of tropical trees across the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Biotropica, 46, 565-574 View Editor’s Choice blog about this work
Rouger R, Jump AS (2014). A seascape genetic analysis reveals strong biogeographical structuring driven by contrasting processes in the polyploid saltmarsh species Puccinellia maritima and Triglochin maritima. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3158-3170
Matías L, González-Díaz P, Jump AS (2014). Larger investment in roots in southern range-edge populations of Scots pine is associated with increased growth and seedling resistance to extreme drought in response to simulated climate change. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 105, 32–38
Rouger R, Vallejo-Marin M, Jump AS (2014). Development and cross-species amplification of twelve microsatellite loci for Puccinellia maritima, an important engineer saltmarsh species. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13, 3426 – 3431
Matías L, Jump AS (2014). Impacts of predicted climate change on recruitment at the geographical limits of Scots pine. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65, 299-310
Cavin L, Mountford E, Peterken G, Jump AS (2013). Extreme drought alters relative competitive dominance within and between species in a mixed forest stand. Functional Ecology, 27, 1424-1435. View BBC News piece (Reported widely in the press and web-based news, also reported on 24/07/13 between 7 and 8 am on BBC1: Breakfast; BBC Radio 4: Today Programme; BBC Scotland: Good Morning Scotland; BBC Radio Wales: Good Morning Wales as well as BBC News 24 and BBC Radio Oxford. Featured on BBC1, Countryfile 26/06/16).
Sjölund J, Jump AS (2013). The benefits and hazards of exploiting vegetative regeneration for forest conservation management in a warming world. Forestry, 86, 503-513
Rouger R, Jump AS (2013). Isolation and characterization of 20 microsatellite loci for the saltmarsh plant Triglochin maritima L. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5, 1157-1158.
Peñuelas J, Sardans J, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Carnicer J, Coll M, Barbeta A, Rivas-Ubach A, Lluisà J, Garbulsky M, Filella I, and Jump AS (2013). Evidence of current impact of climate change on life: a walk from genes to the biosphere. Global Change Biology 1919, 2303-2338
Matías L, Jump AS (2012). Interactions between growth, demography and biotic interactions in determining species range limits in a warming world: the case of Pinus sylvestris. Forest Ecology and Management, 282, 10-22
Peñuelas J, Rico L, Ogaya R, Jump AS, Terradas J (2012). Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest. Plant Biology, 14, 565-575
Nazareno AG, Jump AS. (2012). Species-genetic diversity correlations in habitat fragmentation can be biased by small sample sizes. Molecular Ecology, 21, 2847-2849.
Jump AS, Rico L, Coll M, Peñuelas J (2012). Wide variation in spatial genetic structure between natural populations of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and its implications for SGS comparability. Heredity, 108, 633-639
Jump AS, Huang T-J, Chou C-H (2012). Rapid altitudinal migration of mountain plants in Taiwan and its implications for high altitude biodiversity. Ecography, 35, 204-210.
Hampe A, Jump AS (2011). Climate relicts: past, present, future. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 42, 313-333.
Barbeta A, Peñuelas J, Ogaya R, Jump AS (2011). Reduced tree health and seedling production in fragmented Fagus sylvatica forest patches in the Montseny Mountains (NE Spain). Forest Ecology and Management, 261, 2029-2037.
Bacles CFE, Jump AS (2011). Taking a tree’s perspective on forest fragmentation genetics. Trends in Plant Science, 16, 13-18.
Jump AS, Cavin L, Hunter P (2010). Monitoring and managing responses to climate change at the retreating range edge of forest trees. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12, 1791-1798.
Jump AS, Mátyás C, Peñuelas J (2009). The altitude-for-latitude disparity in the range retractions of woody species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24, 694-701.
Jump AS, Rico L, Lloret F, Peñuelas J (2009). Microspatial population genetic structure of the Mediterranean shrub Fumana thymifolia. Plant Biology, 11, 152-160.
Jump AS, Marchant R, Peñuelas J (2009). Environmental change and the option value of genetic diversity. Trends in Plant Science, 14, 51-58.
Peñuelas J, Ogaya R, Hunt JM, Jump AS (2008). 20th Century changes of tree-ring d13C at the southern range-edge of Fagus sylvatica. Increasing water-use efficiency does not avoid the growth decline induced by warming at low altitudes. Global Change Biology, 14, 1076–1088.
Jump AS, Peñuelas J, Rico L, Ramallo E, Estiarte M, Martínez-Izquierdo JA, Lloret F (2008). Simulated climate change provokes rapid genetic change in the Mediterranean shrub Fumana thymifolia. Global Change Biology, 14, 637–643.
Peñuelas J, Ogaya R, Boada M, Jump AS (2007). Migration, invasion and decline: changes in recruitment and forest structure in a warming-linked shift of European beech forest in Catalonia (NE Spain). Ecography, 30, 830-838.
Jump AS, Hunt JM, Peñuelas J (2007). Climate relationships of growth and establishment across the altitudinal range of Fagus sylvatica in NE Spain. Ecoscience, 14, 507-518.
Jump AS, Peñuelas J (2007). Extensive spatial genetic structure revealed by AFLP but not SSR molecular markers in the wind-pollinated tree Fagus sylvatica. Molecular Ecology 16, 925-936.
Jump AS, Hunt JM, Martínez-Izquierdo JA, Peñuelas J (2006). Natural selection and climate change: Temperature-linked spatial and temporal trends in gene frequency in Fagus sylvatica. Molecular Ecology 15, 3469 – 3480.
Jump AS, Peñuelas J (2006). Genetic effects of chronic habitat fragmentation in a wind-pollinated tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103, 8096-8100.
Jump AS, Hunt JM, Peñuelas J (2006). Rapid climate change-related growth decline at the southern range-edge of Fagus sylvatica. Global Change Biology 12, 2163-2174.
Jump AS, Peñuelas J (2005). Running to stand still: adaptation and the response of plants to rapid climate change. Ecology Letters 8, 1010-1020.
Jump AS, Woodward FI (2003). Seed production and population density decline approaching the range-edge of Cirsiumspecies. New Phytologist 160, 349-358.
Jump AS, Woodward FI, Burke T (2003). Cirsium species show disparity in patterns of genetic variation at their range-edge, despite similar patterns of reproduction and isolation. New Phytologist 160, 359-370.
Jump AS, Dawson DA, James CM, Woodward FI, Burke T (2002). Isolation of polymorphic microsatellites in the stemless thistle (Cirsium acaule) and their utility in other Cirsium species. Molecular Ecology Notes 2, 589-592.
Non-SCI Research Papers
Ovenden T, Perks M, Jump A (2022) How Resilient are Planted UK Forests to Drought? A summary of recent research on Sitka spruce and Scots pine. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 116, 256-263
Zang C, Hacket-Pain AJ, Jump AS, Biondi F, Menzel A, Buras A, Rammig A and the European Beech Tree-Ring Network (2018). Climate and drought responses in a continent-wide tree-ring network of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-13454
Winkel G, Blondet M, Borrass L, Geitzenauer M, Gruppe A, Jump A, de Koning J, Sotirov M, Weiss G, Winter S, Turnhout E (2014) Natura 2000 et les forêts de l’Europe: comprendre et relever les défis de la mise en œuvre. Revue Forestière Française 6, 743-750
Gereau RE, Burgess ND, Fjeldså J, Hall J, Hep A, Jump AS, Kajuni AR, Marchant RA, Marshall AR, Platts PJ, Taylor CM, Tibazarwa FI (2013). Phylogenetic patterns of extinction risk: the need for critical application of appropriate datasets. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e55v1
Chen J-C, Chen C-T, Jump AS (2012) Forest disturbance leads to the rapid spread of the invasive Leucaena leucocephala in Taiwan International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXIX-B2, 35-40 doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXIX-B2-35-2012
Jump AS (2009). A finer focus on glacial refugia in the Mediterranean region. Frontiers of Biogeography 1, 5.
Marchant R, Ahrends A, Finch J, Jump A, Lovett J, McClean C, Mumbi C, Platts P, Yanda P (2009) Afromontane ecosystem stability or change? Combining methodologies to understand past, present and future ecosystem shifts within the Eastern Arc biodiversity hotspot of Tanzania and Kenya. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 072043 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/7/072043.
Peñuelas J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Lluisà J, Sardans J, Jump A, Garbulsky M, Carrillo B, Stefanescu C, Lloret F, Terradas, J (2008). El canvi climàtic altera i alterarà la vida als ecosistemes terrestres Catalans. L’Atzavara 16, 13-28.
Book Chapters
Peñuelas J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Llusià J, Sardans J, Jump A, Curiel J, Carnicer J, Rutishauser T, Rico L, Keenan T, Garbulsky M, Coll M, Diaz de Quijano M, Seco R, Rivas-Ubach A, Silva J, Boada M, Stefanescu C, Lloret F, Terradas J (2010). Impactes, vulnerabilitat i retroalimentacions climàtiques als ecosistemes terrestres catalans. In: Segon informe sobre el canvi climàtic a Catalunya (ed E Llebot). Institut d’Estudis Catalans i Generalitat de Catalunya, pp 373-407.
Peñuelas J, Estiarte M, Prieto P, Sardans J, Jump A, Moreno JM, Torres I, Céspides B, Pla E, Sabaté S, Gracia C (2010). Projected Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity in Mediterranean Ecosystems. In Atlas of Biodiversity Risk(eds Settele J, Penev L, Georgiev T, Grabaum R, Grobelnik V, Hammen V, Klotz S, Kotarac M, Kühn I). Pensoft, Sofia, pp 76-77.
Peñuelas J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Llusià J, Sardans J, Jump A, Garbulsky M, Coll M, Diaz de Quijano M, Seco R, Salvador Blanch J, Owen S, Curiel J, Carnicer J, Boada M, Stefanescu C, Lloret F, Terradas J (2009). Constatacions biològiques del canvi climàtic a Catalunya. In: Aigua i canvi climàtic: Diagnosi dels impactes previstos a Catalunya(eds N Prat, A Manzano). Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge, Agencia Catalana de l’Aigua, Barcelona, pp 43-52.
Peñuelas J, Jump A, Sardans J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Llusià J, Owen S, Lloret F (2008). From phosphorus and VOCs to biodiversity: some studies on the effects of global change inspired by Margalef’s legacy. In: Unity in diversity: reflections on ecology after the legacy of Ramon Margalef (eds F Valladares, A Camacho, A Elosegi, C Gracia, M Estrada, JC Senar, JM Gili). Fundación BBVA, Bilbao, pp 83-94.
Reports, Comments and Theses
Ovenden T, Jump AS (2021) Forests go into growth ‘overdrive’ to recover from drought. The Conversation 18/01/2021
Jump AS (2017) Trying to keep nature the same is a fool’s errand – we should embrace change. The Conversation. 2/08/2017.
Marchetti M, Bastrup-Birk A, Parviainen J, Santopuoli G, Vizzarri M, Jump A, Sotirov M (2017). The state of biodiversity in Europe’s forest systems In: Natura 2000 and Forests – Assessing the State of Implementation and Effectiveness. M Sotirov (Ed). European Forest Institute
Greenwood S, Jump A, Sotirov M, Marchetti M, Mikusiński G, Bastrup-Birk A, Brotons L, Hermoso V, Parviainen J (2017). Effectiveness of Natura 2000 in forests in EU-28 In: Natura 2000 and Forests – Assessing the State of Implementation and Effectiveness. M Sotirov (Ed). European Forest Institute
Sotirov M, Weiss G, Marchetti M, Garcia S, Ecochard L, Hily E, Greenwood S, Jump A (2017). Policy Conclusions and Recommendations In: Natura 2000 and Forests – Assessing the State of Implementation and Effectiveness. M Sotirov (Ed). European Forest Institute
Winkel G, Jump AS and BeFoFu project partners (2014). Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests: understanding and tackling implementation challenges. Policy Brief, BiodivERsA policy brief #3, www.biodiversa.org/policybriefs
Llebot JE, …… , Jump A, and ninety-four other authors (2012). Second report on climate change in Catalonia. Executive summary. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Generalitat de Catalunya. 36 pages
Jump AS (2010). Assessment of initial vegetation development during saltmarsh restoration at RSPB Skinflats reserve: One year on from the introduction of a regulated tidal exchange scheme. Report to: RSPB Scotland, South and West Region.
Jump AS, Mayhew R, Wilson C (2009). Vegetation survey and analysis of RSPB Skinflats reserve: baseline survey prior to the introduction of a regulated tidal exchange scheme. Report to: RSPB Scotland, South and West Region.
Jump A, Penny B (2006). Lead rakes project. Flagg, Sheldon and Taddington Derbyshire: Technical report. Report to: Peak District National Park Authority and English Nature.
Ahrends A, Jump A, Lovett JC, Marchant R (2006). Vegetation data analysis Mselezi Forest Reserve. Report to Frontier-Tanzania (BREAM project).
Jump AS (2004). Species parameterisation of SDGVM for project ‘Siberia II’. Report to: SCEOS/CTCD, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Sheffield, UK.
Jump AS (2003). Plant species at the edge of their geographical range: Reproduction, isolation and genetic diversity of range edge populations of Cirsium species in the Peak District. Report to: Peak District National Park Authority (Ecology Service) and English Nature (Peak District and Derbyshire Team).
Jump AS (2003). Plant species in core areas of their geographical range: Reproduction, population density and genetic diversity of Cirsium acaule and C. eriophorum populations on Salisbury Plain. Report to: Defence Estates (Conservation Office, Salisbury Plain).
Jump AS (2002). Geographic patterns in the distribution, productivity and population genetic structure of Cirsiumspecies across their UK geographic range. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, UK.
Jump AS (1998). Edaphic factors determining plant community composition on a metaliferous mine site on Bonsall Moor, Derbyshire, UK. Report to: Peak District National Park Authority (Ecology Service).